Who Should Take the Gospel to the Muslims?


Who Should Take the Gospel to the Muslims?

The simple answer would be anyone and everyone that can! As Christians, we have been tasked with getting the Gospel to the whole world, yet many Muslim nations sit void of church planters and Gospel preachers. This should not be so. They need the Gospel of Jesus Christ just as much as the rest of the world! But today, I want to look at the specifics of what it takes for someone to take the gospel to a Muslim country.

  1. They must be completely sold out to Christ— They must realize that the life they lead is not their own. That Christ paid for it on the cross and it is His. If they are completely sold out to Christ they will follow Him anywhere and everywhere He leads them! If one is not completely sold out to Christ, they will have a hard time taking the Gospel to the Muslim world.
  2. They must realize the great need— There is such a need in the Muslim world for the Gospel to be preached. They must realize that Christ died for every single person in the world and He wants them to come to Him! This should motivate them to take the Gospel to the billions of Muslims who have never heard! There is a great need to take the Gospel to the Muslim world.
  3. They must realize the road ahead will not be easy— Working in the Muslim world will not be easy. There will be challenges and difficulties. There will be risk involved. But if you remember that Christ is going with you everywhere you go, he will help you as you face adversity and help you to overcome these difficulties.
  4. They be willing to give their life— Although a small possibility, there is a chance that someone going to the Muslim world would be called upon to give their life for the cause of Christ. There is no greater joy or thought than to serve your God with all your life and lay your life down for the sake of the Gospel. But if you realize that you are not alive anyway, rather, Christ lives in you, being willing to give up your life becomes even easier.
  5. They need to be willing to step out in faith and see God “show Himself strong” in their lives— It is a big step of faith wanting to step out and take the Gospel to the Muslim world, but remember with any step of faith comes the truth that if God is asking you to take the step of faith, He will go with you and will show Himself strong in your life! We must be willing to take that step of faith and then see what great things God can do with your life!
  6. They must know that they go because of the love of Christ— It is the love of Christ that constrains us to go. If there is any other reason you want to take the Gospel to the Muslim world then you will stop short and come back quickly. But if the love of Christ has a hold of you then serving Him and taking the Gospel to the Muslim world is a worthy endeavor.
  7. They must be prepared—They are about to go into the enemy’s territory. Satan long has held the Muslim world in his grasp, but we can claim victory through Christ! One must be prepared for the spiritual warfare he will face. He must be prepared to learn the language and the culture. He must be prepared or else he will end up leaving before any work has begun. He must be prepared and be properly trained. I highly recommend the Our Generation Training Center for that training. They will equip and help you prepare to take the Gospel to the Muslim world!

There is such a need for people to go take the Gospel to the Muslim world. But one must count the cost before he rushes into anything. But remember no matter the cost Christ paid the ultimate price that we might have salvation. Why don’t we give our lives to take the Gospel to the billions who have never heard. Why not consider taking the Gospel to the Muslim world?