Missions through the Book of Acts Part 4: Hearers Converted


Hearers Converted-Acts 13:48; 16:14-15

After the message has been communicated, we see that in Paul’s missionary method, hearers are converted in Acts 13:48 and 16:14-15. The Gospel was preached and lives were changed! As people heard the Gospel, they realized their need for a Savior and came to Christ! Paul just plainly presented to them the truth of Christ and the Gospel and God worked in their hearts and convicted them and the hearers responded. As you go to the mission field, you must preach the Gospel and you must allow the people to respond to the Gospel! If you present the truth to them, maybe not the first or second time but eventually, the truth and light will shine through and they will respond to the message of the Gospel! Our goal is to share the Gospel and let God work in hearts and lives and as they respond to the Gospel, then we begin to bring them along and help them to grow in Christ! The purpose of missions is to make known the truth of the Gospel to a lost and dying world and when they hear the truth, allow them to respond and be converted! We must be about the business of bringing souls to Christ!

To help see the world reached with the gospel in this generation, check out the Center for World Evangelism!