The Deputation Process— Weekly Updates


The Deputation Process— Weekly Updates

Not everyone will do this, but weekly email updates are vital during the deputation process and even when on the field. These, also like prayer letters, do not take long to write but it lets people know how your week has been and keeps you in front of people. So, this week we will look at some things to have in your weekly updates.

  1. Keep it short— You want someone to be able to see your weekly update on their phone screen, so use that to keep in mind the length of your updates.
  2. Tell about what has happened the last week— Give details of maybe where you have been or what you were able to be involved in.
  3. Give prayer requests— Ask people to pray for things coming up over the next week or so.
  4. Invite people out to events—If there are events at your mission board or home church use your weekly update to invite people out them!
  5. Write a devotional challenge— Write something you read in your devotions last week and challenge your readers with it.
  6. Put unique facts about your country— You can do this in your weekly update or create a separate weekly email to go out about this. This can include traditions to holidays, to the need or even focusing on specific areas. This will help people better pray for your country. I recommend instead of just adding this onto your weekly update, to create a separate update so you can focus more about your country and traditions and write more in-depth about it each week.
  7. Keep it coming— Don’t miss a week, keep writing and sending them out! People enjoy hearing from you and when you stop, they will wonder what is going on! Keep writing and sending them out!

This week we looked briefly at what to put in your weekly updates. Again, you may not do this but I highly recommend it as it keeps you in front of people and allows people to pray specifically for you! What are some things you include in your weekly updates? What is something you have enjoyed that you have seen others do? Comment below and let us know!