Missions and Technology: Facebook


Missions and Technology: Facebook

This week we look closer at the big, social media giant, Facebook. If you are a church or a missionary, you should use Facebook. Not just for fun, but to help people know who you are and what you do. Let’s look, this week, at Facebook.

  • Personal page— I would recommend every missionary have a personal page. I would use this to stay in contact with friends and family. To share the posts you put out, but also, to share your personal life!
  • Ministry Page— Every church and missionary should have a ministry page. You can use this to post everything ministry related. Share your blog posts here, share your videos here. Use this as your hub, that everything ministry you do, goes on this page. This is a great way to connect to a larger audience and let the need in your country be seen, but also help people know how they can better pray for your ministry.
  • Share things to Facebook— If you are sending out emails and putting up blog posts, regularly, you should share them on Facebook. This allows even more people to see them. You can set all this up and it will be shared automatically every time you post something. Put it on your ministry page and then share it to your personal page. But if you are putting out monthly and weekly updates, they should go on Facebook. This gives you a great opportunity for more people to see and even sign up for your updates!
  • Link other social media to Facebook— Make sure to link all your accounts, that you can, to Facebook. That way, as you post in one place, it will also show up on Facebook. Then you can share it on your ministry and personal pages!

Facebook is a great tool and we should use it. There is so much more I could mention but most of you know the ins and outs of Facebook already. If you are not using facebook, then you are greatly missing out! Get yourself a ministry page, as a church and as a missionary, and use it to promote the need of the gospel around the world!