Safety First No More!

“Safety First,”  No More!

I remember, at many of the jobs I have worked over the years, hearing the phrase used “Safety First!” They wanted you to work and make decisions with being safe, the first option. While safety is important, the truth is when safety is first, you know who you are really thinking about first? You are thinking about yourself first! You are worried about what will keep you safe and keep you from harm. This makes you extra cautious and not willing to step out and take a risk.

Well, in the Christian life, today, many of us have adopted a “safety first” attitude. We say, “I must take care of myself first, then my family, but I am not willing to take a risk for God at all.” We have become selfish and only thinking about what is good for us. If Christ was around, He would not be going to every Christian and yelling saying “safety first” in your Christian life. Actually, He said quite the opposite. He said take up your cross and die to self. True Christianity is a call to step out and take risks. It is getting out of your comfort zone and giving your life to serve Christ, no matter what the cost.

Over the next few weeks, we are going to look at abandoning the “safety first” attitude and stepping out in faith. We are going to see what the Bible has to say about how we, as Christians, should live our lives, and see others, in the Bible, who did not have a “safety first” attitude! Let’s stop putting our safety first and let’s start thinking about a world that is dying and going to hell.

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