One of the Crazy Ones Because Our Preaching is Foolish!

One of the crazy ones because our preaching is foolish!

Romans 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God

This verse says that the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those that are lost. It is talking about the world and those who are not Christians. The world looks at us and sees our messages and our lives as foolish. They see it as pure craziness because they do not understand it. But God has put the gospel and our preaching in place to confound the world! To us the gospel is our power! We can go forward to the whole world and preach the gospel because it is powerful! Not because we are saying it, but because it is God showing His love to the world. The world cannot understand and thinks it foolish that we live like we do and serve our God like we serve Him. But God does not consider it crazy or foolish at all! The world will think you are crazy if you lay aside your dreams and ambitions to preach the cross to a lost and dying world, but God does not. God sees it as His way to see the world saved and reached with the gospel! Although the world sees our gospel as foolishness and craziness, it is not! It is the power of God unto salvation. It can and will change lives! Why not give your life to spread the message of the cross to the whole world!

To help see the world reached with the gospel in this generation, check out the Center for World Evangelism!