One of the Crazy One Because I Owe it to the World

One of the Crazy One Because I Owe it to the World

Romans 1:14 I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise

In the above verse, Paul is stating that he is debtor to everyone to get them the gospel. He is basically saying that he realizes he owes it to the whole world to proclaim Christ to them. His mentality was that it was his duty and responsibility to do all he could to preach Christ to whomever and wherever he was. As Christians, this should be our mindset as well. We should realize we owe it to the whole world. We owe the gospel to the world. We have been set free from the bondage of sin. We have the good news of salvation and we owe sharing that to a lost and dying world. If you have the mentality that you owe the gospel to the world, it will motivate you to share Christ with anyone you come in contact with. Having this mentality will make you look crazy to others, but really you are just living out your faith and love of people. You are showing the world that you care for their souls and you desire that they should hear the gospel and be saved. You realize it is your duty and responsibility to do all you can to be a light in a dark world. Will you be one of the crazy ones and realize you are indebted or you owe it to the world to take the gospel to them?

To help see the world reached with the gospel in this generation, check out the Center for World Evangelism!