God used a man with family problems!

God used a man with family problems!

Joseph was his father’s favorite son. He was given dreams by God and he dreamed big, but his brothers made fun of him. His brothers and his family laughed at his dreams. Then one day, his brothers took him and put him in a pit. They then sold him into slavery! If there was anyone who had family problems it was Joseph! But you know through this all, he just kept trusting and relying on God. He served God while a slave to Potiphar and then was accused of doing something immoral with Potiphar’s wife. He never would have sinned like that against God, but was punished and thrown into jail. If anyone had a right to be upset and mad about his situation, it could be Joseph. Instead Joseph just kept clinging and trusting God. God once again blessed him while in prison and he met Pharoah’s butler and baker. God used him to interpret their dreams and the butler promised to tell Pharaoh about Joseph, but instead he forgot Joseph. So once again Joseph is left behind in prison until one day there is a need. Pharaoh needs someone to interpret his dream and God uses Joseph to interpret it. Then Joseph is made second in command in Egypt! He went from a slave, to a prisoner, to a ruler!

God took a young man who had nothing but trials and tests and used him in a great way! He was used of God to save not only Egypt but most of the known world from the great famine that happened! Then his brothers came to get food and instead of being mean or getting even, he showed his love to them! He makes a great statement to his brothers. He tells them you intended it for evil, but God for meant it for good! God had a purpose in all his trials, tribulations and tests! Well, if you have family problems and think because of that, God cannot use you, look at Joseph. His family despised him and yet God still used him. If you think you have trials, tests and tribulations in your life and God could never use you, why not just trust God and be like Joseph and let God turn your trials and tests from bad things, into things that will bring glory to God! No matter what you are going through or how good or bad of a family you have, God can use you! But you have to be like Joseph and just keep trusting, relying and serving God with your life! If you do this, He can and will use you to see not only your dreams, but the dreams He has for you fulfilled!

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