God Used a Man with a Disability!

God used a man with a disability!

Ehud may not be a well known judge, but he was a man God used. What is unique about Ehud was that he was left-handed. Now today, that wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but in Israel and the time he grew up, no one was left handed, unless there was a problem or issue with their right hand. That means more than likely, something was wrong with his right hand, so he learned how to use his left hand! God took his disability and used it in a great way. He used the disability to be the way he defeated Eglon the fat king! Ehud did not let his disability keep him from serving God. He did not let it stop him at all! He used it for the glory of God. If you have a disability or difficulty to overcome, you may think that will keep you from being used of God. In all reality though, it is a way for God to prove Himself and show He can overcome and use you despite your disability and inability! God wants to use you even if you have a disability, He just needs a willing vessel! Will you trust God and rely on Him and see how He can and will use you! Although you may think God could never use you, God sees who you are and sees how He can do bigs things with you if you allow Him! Don’t let a difficulty or disability keep you from serving God, rather use it to bring glory to His name!

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