God Used a Loud Mouth!

God used a loud mouth!

Peter was one of the inner circle of Jesus’ disciples. He went everywhere that Jesus went. He was also the one who spoke out the most and got himself into the most trouble. He was the loud mouth of the group. Many times he was rebuked for the things that he said, but the biggest one was he said he would never deny Christ. But not long after making those claims he denied Christ three times! If there was anyone who shouldn’t or couldn’t be used of God it should have been Peter, right? He denied Christ. That should disqualify him of being used of God, right? No, actually we serve a loving and forgiving God. Instead, Christ came to Peter and reminded him that He loved him and had big plans for his life! Not long after that, Peter preached in front of thousands and thousands came to Christ because of it! Peter went from denying Christ to being one of the leaders of the early church! He was THE preacher and THE man of God. That shows us that if you are a loud mouth and say things you shouldn’t God can overcome that and use you if you humble yourself and allow Him. Also, even if you have turned your back on God before, that does not mean God could not use you. If you are willing to come back to Him, He has and will forgive you. He can take and use you if you just give Him your life. No matter how big or small your mistakes or mess ups, if you humble yourself and come to God and ask forgiveness, He can use you. Don’t let your mistakes define who you are, rather come back to God and let Him define how He can overcome those mistakes and use you!

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