Paul’s Thoughts on the Great Commission: How I ought to speak

How I ought to speak Colossians 4:3-4

Colossians 4:-34 Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.

Paul’s mindset about the Great Commission comes out in these two verses. The first thing we see is he is asking people to pray that they have a door opened for them to share the gospel. He is not asking them to pray he gets out of jail or prison. He asks that God will use it to open a door for the gospel to be preached! What a focus he had on getting the gospel to the whole world. He did not care that he was in prison. He cared that the gospel would continue to go forward! So often in our lives we let little things distract us from our main goal and purpose as Christians. May we be like Paul and have the mindset that no matter what happens to us, God would allow it to open doors for us to share the gospel! Then, in the second verse, Paul wants to gospel to be shown everywhere, but makes the statement that sharing the gospel is how he needs to speak! His mindset is that he should and needs to preach and share the gospel. In our lives do we have this mindset— that the gospel is what we need and have to speak about? Paul took the Great Commission seriously and made it so that was how he needed to speak. That no matter where he was, his words would point people to Christ. Will you take this to heart? Will you do the same thing? That your heart and life will be speaking the gospel everywhere you go! That you will pray for open doors to share the gospel and that what you ought to speak is the gospel?

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