Paul’s Thoughts on the Great Commission: Where Christ Has Not Been Named.

Where Christ Has Not Been Named! — Romans 15:20

Romans 15:20 Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man’s foundation

When Paul would look at a map, there is a good chance he would look and try to find out where Christ had yet to be named. He did not want to go where other men had been before. He wanted to get to new places, to people who had never heard the name of Christ.  When he went into towns and cities he went looking for people to share with them Christ! He knew there were people all over the world that had never heard of the love of Christ and his heart was to get the message of Christ to them before it was eternally too late! In the world today there are billions of people and places where Christ has not been named, but so few willing to go! Why is this? Because we do not take the Great Commission seriously, we do not see the great need of the Gospel in the world! We would rather stay in our comfort zone and be happy while billions die and go to hell! We need to adopt the mindset of Paul to find people and places where Christ has not been named. You do not have to look far in the world today. Yes, there may have been someone there or there is someone there currently  preaching the Gospel, but one person cannot reach an entire country. There are people in every country around the world who do not know the name of Christ. There are people in your own city and state that have never heard the name of Christ. We must not only be sharing Christ where we are, but we must go and declare the love of Christ to the nations! We must show them who Christ is and what He has done for them! Billions do not have Christ and need Him! What will you do to change that? Will you go where Christ has not been named?

To help see the world reached with the gospel in this generation, check out the Center for World Evangelism!