Highly Effective Christians Equip Others to Minister


Highly Effective Christians Equip Others to Minister

II Timothy 2:2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

To be a highly effective Christian one needs to be equipping others to minister and serve God. We have been called to take the gospel to the world, but we have also been called to teach them to observe all things that Christ taught us. So how can we equip others to minister and serve God?

  1. Discipleship— We need to disciple people to maturity in Christ. The best way to equip someone to minister and to serve God is to disciple them. Take time to go through the word of God and teach them what the Bible has to say. They need to be able to read the Bible and understand it on their own, but also should be able to disciple others as well.
  2. Training— Specifically, train them to serve and minister in certain areas. We should be training and be equipping this generation and the next generation of Christians to get the gospel to a  lost and dying world! We should have specific training times on things like discipleship, preaching, teaching, and soul winning. But the best way to train someone is to allow them to serve alongside you as you do these things!
  3. Allowing them to serve— The best way for someone to truly know if they have been equipped to minister and serve is to be allowed to serve. This requires us getting out of the way and allowing others to get involved! Will they make mistakes, probably. But let them learn by doing! Allow them to serve and minister and see how God can work in and through them!

If we are to effectively reach the world with the gospel, we must be equipping others to minister and carry the gospel as well. The only way we can do this is by discipleship, training and allowing them to serve. We must be equipping this generation and the next generation to reach the world with the gospel! If we do not equip them, then we will lose a generation of Christians!

To help see the world reached with the gospel in this generation, check out the Center for World Evangelism!