Missions and Technology


Missions and Technology

There has been a great rise in technology over the past century. In the past year, the advancements made are amazing! With those, comes even more ability and help for missions and missionaries! Over the next few weeks, I would like to look at ways missionaries and churches can use technology to help their ministries! Technology can never replace laborers, but it can bring us closer to the field and allow us a closer look at what is going on in the world and the need in each and every mission field! With all its advantages, there are always problems and issues that can come with technology, but why not use technology to help advance the kingdom of God! We should be embracing the technology and using it, not only to glorify God, but to help see the world reached the gospel in this generation! We can use it to bring missionaries all across the world right to our churches’ doorsteps, without them having to leave the country. Missionaries can use it to stay in closer contact and encourage more people to give their lives to missions! I cannot say I am an expert in all the areas of technology available to us, but I do my best to learn and use them to the best of my ability. Over the next week, we will look at different areas and things we can use, in technology, to help grow the church’s missions focus, as well as help missionaries communicate more effectively with their supporters!