Being outnumbered but fighting anyway is not “safety first.”
Being outnumbered but fighting anyway is not “safety first.”
An army of over a million have amassed against you. You are the new king and the Ethiopians want to test what you are made of. You have around 500,000 troops and are outnumbered, two to one. What can you do? Well, Asa did the only thing that he knew how to do. He went and prayed to God. He knew he had no chance on his own so he went and asked God for help. He told God, he could use those that have might and those that do not have strength and asked God to give them the victory that day. Then, putting safety aside, he stepped out into the battle. Guess what? God came through and gave them a great victory that day! Asa put his safety to the side and just trusted in God. He knew he could not have victory or put his safety to the side without the help of God. But when he trusted in God, he was able to step out in faith and see God give him a great victory. What difficulties or tests lie before you today? What are you facing that seem like impossible odds? Why not set your safety to the side, run to God and ask Him to work in a mighty way in your life! Then step out in faith and see how God will work with those who have strength and those that do not!