One of the Crazy Ones Because the Power of the Gospel

One of the Crazy Ones Because the Power of the Gospel

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

Are you ashamed of Christ? Are you ashamed of the gospel? As Christians we should not be ashamed of Christ because he died on the cross for our sins. We should not be ashamed of the gospel either, because it is the power that set us free from sin. It is powerful and can and will change lives. We should be willing to preach the gospel all around the world because the gospel is powerful. As the gospel is preached, God will work in hearts and lives. God will move and use the gospel to break even the hardest of hearts. How is this possible? Because the power of the gospel lies in Christ. Because of what Christ did on the cross, and that He rose from the grave three days later, gives the gospel its power. The gospel is true and it is powerful. Because the gospel has power, we should be willing to lay aside our dreams and our ambitions and preach the gospel to the whole world! Or will you be one of those Christians who are ashamed of the gospel? You should not be reluctant to share the gospel, rather, you should be fervent and have an urgency to share the gospel! The gospel will change lives! The gospel will break hearts of stone! Do not be discouraged just because the first time you shared the gospel with someone they did not get saved. Keep preaching the gospel. Keep sharing the gospel and see the power of the gospel! Why be one of the crazy ones and preach the gospel? Because you are not relying on your power, you are relying on the power of Christ and of God to work in hearts and lives! Knowing the power of the gospel should motivate us to proclaim His name among the nations! It may cause others to think you are crazy, but you are not crazy, you are just declaring the power of the gospel to a lost and dying world!

To help see the world reached with the gospel in this generation, check out the Center for World Evangelism!