God Used a Trickster

God Used a Trickster

Jacob, a man whose name means supplanted. He was a trickster, thief and liar. He tricked his brother into selling his birthright to him for just a bowl of soup. He then lied and tricked his father into giving him a blessing that did not belong to him. His life was filled with deceit and trickery. He then went on the run from his brother and God came to him. God made a promise to Jacob. The same promise he had made to Abraham and Isaac. He promised He would bless him and that through him, all nations would be blessed. After this, I am sure Jacob was confused and doubted God would use him to be a blessing to all nations. He then went and found Laban. While working for Laban he began to be blessed of God, but he was up to his old tricks again. He was known for his trickery and that was his life, but God saw Jacob and wanted to use him. Then on the night before he was to meet his brother he wrestled with God. He wrestled all night with God and finally, God had to humble him. But Jacob left from that encounter a different man. He left as a man who had a reminder that he had wrestled with God, but also, that God had blessed him. He left with a new name. His name went from trickster to prince. He was now known as Israel. His life would be forever different. And guess what! God took this trickster and did use him! He blessed him with 12 sons! One of those sons helped save the whole world through his trials and tests! God used a man that had a lying and deceit problem, but when he came to God and learned to rely and live for God, his life completely changed. If you think God cannot use you because you have messed up in the past. You have sinned, well God forgives your sins when you are saved. You have victory from sin in Christ! Claim that victory and don’t live with your past failures in mind. Live a life of faith and reliance on God and God can and will use you to do big things! Don’t let your problems or past define who you are. Let your faith and your God define who you are and what He can do with you!

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