God Used a Man Who Just Trusted Him!

God used a man who just trusted him!

Caleb was one of the men picked to spy out the land of Canaan. They went in and spied out the land and he came back excited to get in there and see God give them the victory. But when they got back, ten of the spies said they could not go in and that it was impossible! Caleb could not believe what he was hearing! He then stood up in front of everyone and told them they needed to go in and fight right now! He told them that God was well able to overcome! You see Caleb was trusting in his God! Caleb had seen God prove Himself faithful time and time again in his life and he knew he could trust Him! He took God at His word that He would bring them into the promised land! The Bible does not say Caleb was smart, talented or good looking, but God says there was something different about him. That difference was that he just trusted and relied on God and God alone! What’s amazing about Caleb is that his faith never wavered! At 40 years old, he was ready to go in, but because of the doubt of the children of Israel, he spent 40 years wandering the wilderness. Then he spent five years helping to fight to take back the land.

At 85 years old he came to Joshua. Joshua wanted to know what he would like and he reminded Joshua how God had promised him a possession 45 years before. Joshua told Caleb he could have whatever land he wanted and he looked and pointed and said, I want that mountain. Caleb did not want that mountain because of its location, its beauty or it wealth. He wanted that mountain because of who lived there: the sons of Anak! A big part of the reason Israel did not want to go into the promised land were these giants! Caleb said he was going to go up to that mountain and prove that 45 years  before God could have given them victory and that at 85 years old God could still give him the victory! He went up to the mountain and God did give him the victory! Caleb was a man that just trusted and relied on God and God used him in a great way!

You may be a young person and think God could not use you, but I challenge you to step out in faith and trust God and see how He is well able to overcome in your life. Maybe you are up in age and think that God is done using you. I want to challenge you, why not be like Caleb and in your older age just step out in faith, and keep trusting God and see how He is still well able to overcome in your life! If we are just willing to trust and rely on God and Him alone God can and will use you to do more than you could ever imagine! So why not have have faith just like Caleb and see God be well able to overcome in your life and use you!

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