God Used a Women When no Men Would Go!

God used a women when no men would go!

Deborah was a prophetess that God had put in place. But it was not her job to lead the children of Israel. She was there to pray for and give them spiritual guidance. Barack  was afraid to go and do what God had set before him to do. He was afraid and didn’t want to go on his own. He said he needed Deborah to go with him. She told Barack that she didn’t need to go but that if she did, God would use this as a chance to use a woman for His glory and give them the victory. Deborah was a lady who just trusted and relied on God. When the men would not step up, she saw the need and stepped up. Sadly, today there is a lack of Godly men willing to stand up and serve God. That is why you see so few men serving in churches. But God can and will use a woman. Not as a preacher, but He can use them to teach and to train and to share the gospel with others! Ladies, why not step out in faith and trust God to use you. Serve God with your lives and let God use you even if no men are standing up to serve God. Also, be looking for a Godly man to marry and one that you can serve God alongside! Men, let’s stop being so cowardly and start taking a stand for God! Let’s give Him our lives and let God not only use ladies, but use us as well! God can use anyone that is willing to serve Him! Will you give Him your life?

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