Paul’s Thoughts on the Great Commission: The Gospel is Powerful

The Gospel is Powerful!

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek

Paul was not ashamed of the Gospel. His heart and desire was to share the Gospel with anyone and everyone that he met who would listen. He realized that the Gospel was powerful and that it changes lives! He knew that if he preached the Gospel and preached Christ, lives would be changed— not because of who he was, but because of the power of God that is behind the Gospel. Paul was not hiding the fact he was a Christian and he wanted to get the message of salvation to the whole world. Today, so many Christians are ashamed of the Gospel. They want to keep it quiet and they don’t think sharing the Gospel works anymore, but the problem with that is they are not taking the Great Commission seriously and they are ashamed of the Gospel. There is no shame in the Gospel! We must preach and share the Gospel with anyone and everyone we can! People are dying and going to hell and we have the good news that will change their lives! We do not need to be afraid to speak the Gospel. Instead, we should be bold in sharing the Gospel. We should be bold, because the Gospel is powerful and will change lives! The Gospel still works today just like it did in Paul’s day and it will change lives if we preach and share it! Let’s take the Great Commission seriously and let’s start proclaiming the Gospel. As the Gospel goes forward, we will begin to see the power of the Gospel as lives, families, cities, and even countries are changed because of the Gospel! 

To help see the world reached with the gospel in this generation, check out the Center for World Evangelism!